2008-2009 Pingry SMART Team

Two-component Signal Transduction:
Structure of response regulators PhoB and MtrA

Cooperating Scientist: Dr. Ann Stock  (UMDNJ)

The 2009 Pingry SMART Team Students: (listed alphabetically by last name) Susan Contess, Ashley Feng, Stephanie Hanchuk, Kathryn Kolb, Vitor Oliveira, Victoria Wei, Andrew Young.
Supervising teacher
: Deirdre O'Mara.  Technical support from Tommie Hata


Image courtesy of Dr. Ann Stock
E. coli PhoB

Response regulator, inactive regulatory domain (PDB ID: 1B00)

Response regulator, active regulatory domain (PDBID: 1ZES)

Response regulator, effector domain-DNA complex (1GXP)

M. tuberculosis MtrA

Response regulator, inactive (2GWR)



The Models


PhoB regulatory and effector domains with target DNA

ZCorp Plaster Model

PhoB regulatory domain, inactive and active forms

ZCorp Plaster Model

PhoB regulatory domain, dimerized active form

ZCorp Plaster Model

PhoB effector domain with target DNA

ZCorp Plaster Model

MtrA, regulatory and effector domains

ZCorp Plaster Model

MtrA, regulatory and effector domains, separated

ZCorp Plaster Model



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